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Foundation to Year 2 

Foundation to Year 2 Band Description

The nature of the learners Children enter the early years of schooling with established oracy skills in one or more languages and varying degrees of early literacy capability. For young students, learning typically focuses on their immediate world of family, home, school, friends and neighbourhood. They are learning how to socialise with new people, sh

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The nature of the learners

Children enter the early years of schooling with established oracy skills in one or more languages and varying degrees of early literacy capability. For young students, learning typically focuses on their immediate world of family, home, school, friends and neighbourhood. They are learning how to socialise with new people, share with others, and participate in structured routines and activities at school. Typically, they have little to no experience of Korean language and culture.

Korean language learning and use

Korean language learning at this stage is focused on developing learners’ oral language and familiarising learners with the language through interaction involving enjoyment, imagination and action. Through classroom routines and action-related activities such as playing games, dancing, singing and chanting, students learn and use Korean to socialise with others and explore the primary world around them. Non-verbal expressions such as miming, movement and gestures are an important part of students’ learning. Children begin to hear single words, phrases and short simple texts in Korean, relating them to concrete objects and people seen and known in their immediate environment, to what they feel and do, and to topics about self, home, family, and classroom activities. They listen to, use and experiment with simple formulaic language for routines such as greetings, introductions and classroom language, and become familiar with meaningful sounds in Korean. With the introduction of Hangeul, children become further aware of the relationships between sounds and letters, and between syllables and syllable blocks in Korean speech and script. As their phonological awareness increases, they begin to develop literacy in Korean, identifying simple Korean words in short texts through activities such as shared/supported reading or sight word games. They start to write Hangeul by copying or tracing words, and later co-construct longer texts such as chants and rhymes. Through the repeated use of simple patterns where basic key particles, verb endings and honorific elements are used, children notice that some Korean grammatical elements and rules are different from those of English. As students use simple language patterns with culturally appropriate gestures or body language, they recognise elements of Korean culture such as politeness embedded in the Korean language and its use, and become aware that there are different ways to communicate using languages other than their own.

Contexts of interaction

The primary context for students’ interaction is the language classroom, with the teacher of Korean language and peers. Students may have some access to Korean-speaking peers in wider school or community settings. Their use of Korean primarily relates to classroom routines and activities, drawing on their interest in play, movement and games and on their curiosity about the world around them.

Texts and resources

Learners have exposure to a variety of spoken, visual and written/digital texts. They listen and respond to teacher talk, and take part in songs, play, stories and simple conversations. Written and digital texts include picture books, wall charts, Big Books and teacher-generated materials such as games, labels, captions and flashcards. Writing development is supported through tracing and copying simple words as sight words and short modelled sentences in texts such as greeting cards or captions, and through co-creating shared resources such as word walls or storyboards.

Features of Korean language use

Students become familiar with the sound system of the Korean language, recognising Korean pronunciation as being different from that of their own language/s. They learn to pronounce syllable blocks as part of sight words, recognising the association between simple vowel and consonant sounds with their corresponding letters. They recognise, use and distinguish simple Korean intonation patterns for statements and questions. They become familiar with and use the pattern of simple basic sentences such as those with –요 at the end, and notice similarities and differences between Korean and English. They begin to develop curiosity about Korea and Korean people and about different ways of making meaning using Korean.

Level of support

Children need rich language input and their learning is supported with the ample provision of scaffolding and language modelling. They need opportunities to build and test hypotheses about the Korean language and culture, to review, recycle and revise them, and to adjust their use of the Korean language and understanding of Korean culture. Attention to diversity in students’ learning needs and backgrounds, and to the provision of continuous encouragement, cues, feedback and opportunities for learners to reflect, support these hypothesis building and testing processes. As the main source of target language input, the teacher provides ample models and examples of the Korean language and culture with the support of visual cues and resources such as pictures, realia, objects and charts.

The role of English

While the teacher and learners are encouraged to use Korean wherever possible, English is used for discussion, reflection, questions and explanations relating to complex ideas or aspects of languages or cultures, and in tasks which involve moving between the two languages, such as bilingually naming objects or images.

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Foundation to Year 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 2, students interact with peers and teachers through play- and action-related talk, exchanging greetings and introducing themselves (for example, 안녕하세요?; 안녕?; 저는 ...이에요/예요 used as a set phrase) with gestures. They respond to question cues (such as 뭐예요? ) by naming objects with single words (for example, 눈! 코! 입! 고양이! ) or using short, simple sentences as set phrases (for example, 눈이에요, 고양이예요 ). They respond to teacher instructions such as 따라 하세요, 일어나세요 by imitating the teacher’s actions or speech, and to the teacher’s simple closed-ended questions by giving short answers such as 있어요/없어요 or 네/아니요 . They make simple requests using … 주세요 and thank each other or the teacher using 고맙습니다 with appropriate gestures. They mimic and approximate Korean pronunciation of simple words, and locate and read specific words such as names of people or objects provided in familiar types of short texts. Students present simple information relating to themselves, their friends or everyday objects, using simple words and set phrases. They create and perform their own simple texts using modelled examples and formulaic language. Students use vocabulary related to their class and home environments. They use the personal pronoun 저 , basic particles –은/는 , –이/가 and –을/를 as part of formulaic chunks ending with –어/아요 or –이에요/예요 (for example, 저는 고양이가 없어요 ). They match simple Korean and English texts written in Hangeul and English such as 로버트 and Robert , and identify familiar objects in both languages. Students explain aspects of Korean language and culture in everyday language use, such as ways of greeting and thanking, identify differences or similarities to their own language/s and culture/s, and discuss the experience of learning and using the Korean language.

Students discriminate Korean sounds and script from those of English and other languages. They identify the syllable block as the unit of writing and associate individual syllable blocks with their pronunciations. They identify their own names written in Korean using syllable blocks (for example, 로버트, 마크 ) and pronounce them using Korean sounds. Students identify –요 at the end of a sentence as indicating some polite meaning. They identify 저 as referring to self and 저는 as an equivalent to ‘I’ in a sentence. They choose between –이에요 and –예요 when they construct a sentence using a copula (for example, 재키예요; 마이클이에요 ). They identify Korean language as the language of Korea and as one of the many languages used in Australia and in the world. Students identify some loan words from other languages and Korean words used in Australia and other countries. Students identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.

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Foundation to Year 2 Content Descriptions


Interact and socialise with peers and teacher to greet, introduce themselves and give basic personalinformation

[Key concepts: self, family; Key processes: greeting, playing, imitating]

Engage in guided group activities and simple exchanges such as playing games;group singing or dancing; contributing ideas through key words, images, mimes

[Key concepts: play, group; Keyprocesses: singing, chanting, observing, drawing]

Interact in familiar classroom routines and follow simple classroom instructions

[Key concepts: routines,interactions; Key processes: observing, responding]


Locate specific words and expressions in simple texts such as signs, titles and captions, and use information tocomplete guided oral and written tasks

[Key concepts: text, meaning; Key processes: locating, noticing,matching]

Share simple information aboutthemselves, known people, everyday objects and places of interest

[Key concepts: self, preference; Key processes:describing, showing]


Participate in chants,choral and shared reading of short imaginative texts in audio-visual, print andsuch as cartoons, storiesor rhymes, and responding through play-acting, illustrating, miming or making short statements

[Key concepts:character, story; Key processes: playing, choral reading]

captions to images for individual presentation and participate in shared performances andimaginative activities using familiar words, phrases andpatterns

[Key concepts: performance; Key processes:drawing, singing, dancing]


Translate familiarwords and phrases, using visualand word lists, explaining the meaning of particular words, gestures andexpressions

[Key concepts: similarity, difference; Key processes: noticing]

labels, captions or short statements in Korean and English for the immediatelearning environment and for familiar objects or images

[Key concepts: counterpart; Key processes: naming, labelling,matching]


Notice aspects of Koreanandculture that are ‘new’, sharing how interacting in Korean can be different to interacting in own language/s

[Keyconcepts: respect, acceptance; Key processes: noticing, comparing]

Recognise themselves as members of different groups, including the Korean class, the school, theirfamily and community, and consider their roles within these different groups

[Key concepts: self, role; Key processes:noticing]

Systems of language

Recognise the sounds of the Koreanand the forms of Hangeul syllableblocks, and understand that the syllable block is the basic unit of writing in Korean, associating individual syllableblocks with their pronunciations

[Key concepts: phonic awareness, meaningfulness, unit of writing; Key processes:recognising, discriminating, mimicking]

Recognise some basic features of the Korean grammatical system, such as the verb- final rule, the sentence-final –요,and notice chunks in which aoris combined with a case marker as part of a sentence

[Key concepts: wordorder, politeness; Key processes: noticing, selecting]

Notice and use simple vocabulary to identify familiar objects and to describe simple actions, statesor qualities in familiar contexts

[Key concepts: word, meaning, name; Key processes: noticing, selecting]

Notice and identify different types of simple spoken,written andused for different purposes in familiar contexts

[Key concepts: text; Key processes:recognising, identifying]

Language variation and change

Recognise that thereare different words and expressions used by Korean speakers to address and greet people in different contexts andsituations

[Key concepts: appropriateness, respect; Key processes: noticing, comparing]

Recognise that languages change continuously and borrow words fromeach other

[Key concepts: word-borrowing; Key processes: noticing, selecting]

Recognise that Korean is one of many languages spoken in multicultural Australia and inthe world

[Key concepts: multilingualism, community; Key processes: noticing, naming]

Role of language and culture

Understand that ways people usereflect their culture, such as where andhow they live and what is important to them, finding examples of similarities and differences between Korean andAustralian ways of communicating

[Key concepts: language, culture, meaning; Key processes: noticing, makingconnections]


Years 3 and 4 

Years 3 and 4 Band Description

The nature of the learners At this level, children are developing awareness of their social world and membership of various groups, including of the Korean class. They have developed initial literacy in English and this helps to some degree in learning Korean. They benefit from varied, activity-based learning that builds on their interests and capabili

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The nature of the learners

At this level, children are developing awareness of their social world and membership of various groups, including of the Korean class. They have developed initial literacy in English and this helps to some degree in learning Korean. They benefit from varied, activity-based learning that builds on their interests and capabilities and makes connections with other areas of learning.

Korean language learning and use

Learners interact with peers and the teacher in classroom routines and a variety of classroom activities. They build oral proficiency with provision of rich language input and ample opportunities to rehearse modelled language in communicative activities where grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are purposefully integrated. They develop understanding of the alphabetic nature of Hangeul and read words that consist of syllable blocks with 받침. They exchange simple information, feelings and ideas related to their personal worlds, finding commonalities and acknowledging differences between each other. The language they use and hear is in simple structures and with familiar vocabulary. They follow instructions, respond to questions and read and create short texts on topics relevant to their interests and enjoyment such as family, pets or favourite sports or food, and those drawn from other learning areas. They explore ideas and values important to Korean culture through shared tasks such as shared reading of Korean folktales. The language used in routine activities is re-used from lesson to lesson in different situations, making connections between what has been learnt and what is to be learnt.

Contexts of interaction

The primary context of interaction in Korean is the classroom, where Korean is used as much as possible. Learners have access to resources and authentic texts in Korean via virtual and digital technology and are encouraged to share their learning at home where possible. They experience authentic Korean language and culture through community activities, for example, with Korean-speaking neighbours or at Korean festivals.

Texts and resources

Learners engage primarily with a variety of teacher-generated materials, stories, games and songs, and with materials produced for young learners of Korean such as interactive computer language games, cards and readers. They may also have access to materials developed for children in Korea, such as television programs, advertisements or web pages, as a means of developing cultural awareness and language experience.

Features of Korean language use

Learners are increasingly aware that the Korean language is used not only in Korea and in the Korean community in Australia, but also in many other places around the world. They make connections and comparisons, and look for differences and similarities between Korean and English. They begin to make connections between speech and writing in Korean and understand that Korean is a system that works differently from English. They differentiate sounds of Hangeul syllable blocks, and their literacy in Hangeul develops with a growing phonological awareness and understanding of Hangeul as an alphabetic system. They notice features of key grammatical forms and structures that they use as part of formulaic or set phrases, and understand that such phrases are required elements in Korean sentences in order to make sense. They are increasingly aware that a verb comes at the end of a Korean sentence and use basic common action and descriptive verbs with the informal polite ending –어/아요 and its honorific form –(으)세요 as appropriate. They create short texts using familiar words relating to their expanding interests and basic grammatical forms and structures. They develop understanding that the same word may be used in different meanings according to the context. Through continuous use of Korean with culturally appropriate gestures and body language, they become increasingly aware of the interdependency of language and culture, and begin to establish their identity as a learner of Korean, mediating between Korean language and culture and the familiar world of their own, exploring and comparing cultural norms embedded in everyday interactions in Korean and in their own language/s.

Level of support

The primary support for learners is the teacher of Korean, who gives instruction, explanation, examples, models, reinforcement, encouragement and feedback. Form-focused instructions are integrated into task-based activities for grammar and vocabulary learning. Support also includes material resources such as word lists, pictures, Hangeul charts, realia and multimedia resources.

The role of English

Learners use Korean for classroom routines, familiar interactions, and structured learning tasks and for listening to and viewing Korean texts. English is used where appropriate for instruction, explanation and discussion, while learners may move between Korean and English, for example, when they discuss or compare aspects of Korean and English language and culture, or when they create bilingual texts.

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Years 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 4, students use Korean to interact in classroom routines, action-related talk and play with teachers and peers. They exchange personal information relating to aspects such as age or interests, using simple questions and short statements as set phrases (for example, 몇 살이에요? 아홉 살이에요; ...이/가 좋아요? 네, 좋아요). They use formulaic language to express rapport with others (for example, 아, 그래요? 나도 좋아요). Students respond to instructions for familiar classroom routines and activities taking required actions (for example, 해 보세요, 들으세요, 읽으세요 ) and to simple questions (for example, 이게 뭐예요? 누구예요? 몇이에요? 오늘 뭐 해요? ) with set phrases ending in –이에요/예요 or -어/아요 (for example, 책상이에요; 벤이에요; 구예요; 학교에 가요 ). They ask for repetition (for example, 다시 해 주세요 ) and for a turn to ask a question (for example, 질문 있어요 ) and negotiate requests using simple language (for example, … 있어요?; 네, 있어요/아니요, 없어요; 빌려 주세요; 여기 있어요 ). Students identify key words or topics from simple oral, visual and written texts, using cues such as context, graphics, familiar vocabulary and language features to support understanding. They present simple information in texts in different formats and create and perform their own texts with the support of modelled language and other resources. Students approximate the sounds, rhythms and intonations of spoken Korean and write familiar words in Hangeul with some accuracy. They create simple sentences in their speech and writing, using basic case markers (such as –은/는, –이/가, –을/를, –에 ) and a particle –도 as an inseparable part of a formulaic structure: a noun/pronoun + a case marker/particle (for example, 저는 …, 집에 …, 나도 … ). They use common action verbs and descriptive verbs (such as 가다, 일어나다, 듣다, 좋다 ) as part of formulaic expressions ending in –어/아요 or its honorific form –(으)세요 , varying intonation contours for statements, questions (with or without a question word), requests or commands. They ask simple questions about people, objects or numbers, using question words such as 누구/누가, 무엇/뭐 and 몇 . They use contractions of demonstrative pronouns and –이 (for example, 이게 , 저게 and 그게 ), as formulaic chunks, and vocabulary related to school (such as 학교, 책, 지우개 ), home (such as 집, 엄마, 아빠 ) and sports and leisure activities (such as 방학, 수영, 크리켓 ). They use vocabulary for major colours (such as 빨간색, 파란색, … ) and number expressions, choosing between native Korean and Sino-Korean number systems up to 10 as appropriate, using counters to describe ages (for example, 아홉 살 ), school years (for example, 사 학년 ) and numbers of objects (for example, 한 개 ), animals (for example, 두 마리 ) or people (for example, 세 명 ). Students match known Korean words or expressions with their English equivalents and create simple bilingual texts of familiar objects with support. They understand that meaning may change through translation across languages and exemplify words that could be translated differently according to context (such as 집 : house/home; … 있어요 : I have …/there is (are) …). They identify different social networks they belong to such as clubs or language-speaking communities and compare their past and current intercultural capability with reference to the experience of learning Korean.

Students discriminate between meaningful sounds in Korean which are not distinguished in English or other languages such as // versus // versus // or // versus //, and associate the pronunciation of simple words with their script. Students differentiate statements from questions according to intonation. They identify simple consonant and vowel letters in Hangeul and combine them to construct a syllable block. They create short texts using syllable blocks combined together to form a word. They apply their understanding of Korean and English having different grammatical systems by using appropriate word order (subject-object-verb) and case–marked formulaic chuncks (for example, 저는, 사과를 ) in simple Korean sentences. They identify differences between Korean and English in some aspects of language use such as naming conventions or ways of addressing people. They apply their understanding of the importance of politeness in using Korean and select the appropriate form of language to acknowledge age and social relationships when greeting (for example, 안녕? versus 안녕하세요?; 안녕히 가세요/안녕히 계세요 versus 잘 가/잘 있어 ). They identify aspects of language use in both Korean and English that people from other cultures might or might not regard as appropriate, such as ways of greeting or (not) making eye contact during interactions.

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Years 3 and 4 Content Descriptions


Socialise and build relationships with peers and teacher through the exchange of personal information in relation to self, friends and family members

[Key concepts: friendship, occasions, celebration; Key processes: expressing, sharing]

Participate in collaborative tasks and shared experiences such as creating and playing simplegames or dialogues that involve simple negotiation, or preparing and presenting a group display

[Key concepts: participation, cooperation; Key processes: problem-solving, contributing]

Participate in everyday classroom activities such as responding to teacher’s instructions, attracting attention and asking for repetition

[Key concepts: instructions, respect; Key processes: interacting, expressing]


Identify topics and key points of factual information in short spoken, written, digital and multimodal texts related to familiar contexts, routines and interests

[Key concepts: routines, pastimes; Key processes: selecting, categorising, recording]

Present information gathered from different types of texts relating to people, objects, places and events

[Key concepts: home, school, information; Key processes: organising, informing, presenting]


Participate in and reflect on imaginative experiences such as digital interactive stories or video clips, identifying characters, main ideas and events, and sharing feelings or ideas by acting out responses or expressing preferences or opinions

[Key concepts: character, plot; Key processes: shared reading, performing, recounting]

and perform simple imaginative and expressive spoken and written texts such as dialogues or collaborative stories, using formulaic expressions and modelled language

[Key concepts: imagination, humour; Key processes: presenting, composing]


Translate simple Korean words and expressions for peers, teachers and family, noticing how they have similar or different meanings when translated to English or other languages

[Key concepts: specificity, commonality, meaning; Key processes: explaining, comparing]

simple bilingual resources for their learning and for the school community

[Key concepts: similarity, difference; Key processes: selecting, relating, describing]


Share own experiences of communicating and using language/s, noticing how these are influenced by their own culture/s

[Key concepts: open-mindedness, politeness; Key processes: experimenting, reflecting, connecting]

Associate themselves with wider networks such as clubs, countries or language-speaking communities, and reflect on how being a Koreanuser broadens these networks

[Key concepts: membership, profile; Key processes: describing, identifying]

Systems of language

Recognise characteristics of Koreanandpatterns, the alphabetical nature of Hangeul, and the structural features of individual syllable blocks including 받침

[Key concepts: sound discrimination, word recognition, syllable, syllable block, 받침, alphabetic system; Key processes: recognising, exploring, experimenting, relating]

Understand and use key grammatical forms and structures such as basic pronouns and case markers and the politeending –어/아요 in own simpleproduction, and recognise politeness embedded in humble orforms such as and –(으)세요

[Key concepts: grammar, sentence; Key processes: sequencing, relating, predicting]

Recognise and use vocabulary to describe familiar people, objects and places, and basic routines, including Sino- and pure Korean number words with basic counters, words for colours, names of sports

[Key concepts: meaning, function, objects, people, number systems, action, state, quality; Key processes: identifying, naming, describing, qualifying]

Recognise differences inandstructures in different types of texts, including those in digital form, used in familiar contexts

[Key concepts:features, mode, purpose; Key processes: observing patterns, distinguishing]

Language variation and change

Build understanding of the variability ofuse in Korean, for example, in relation to the age and relationship of participants

[Key concepts: relationships, age; Key processes: identifying, routinising]

Understand that languages change over time and influence each other through contact and cultural exchanges

[Key concepts:change, influence; Key processes: observing, identifying, discussing]

Reflect on and share their experience when using Korean and when using own language/s, recognising cultural elements that may cause different feelings

[Key concepts: culture, identity, attitudes; Key processes: identifying, comparing, reflecting]

Role of language and culture

Compare and reflect on different ways of usingin everyday situations in Korean, Australian and other cultures, sharing ideas about possible reasons for the differences and variations

[Key concepts: difference, expression, importance; Key processes: identifying, distinguishing, connecting]


Years 5 and 6 

Years 5 and 6 Band Description

The nature of the learners At this level, students are widening their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Korean. They continue to need guidance and participate in structured, collaborative tasks that both recycle and extend language. Students are gaining greater independence and becoming more con

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The nature of the learners

At this level, students are widening their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Korean. They continue to need guidance and participate in structured, collaborative tasks that both recycle and extend language. Students are gaining greater independence and becoming more conscious of their peers and social context. They are gaining greater awareness of the world around them. They are noticing additional similarities and differences between Korean language and culture and their own.

Korean language learning and use

Learners increasingly use Korean for a range of everyday interactions and in classroom activities to communicate with their teacher and peers. They share ideas and opinions on a range of topics related to personal interests and wellbeing and those drawn from other learning areas through collaborative and shared tasks. They make simple arrangements and transactions, organise and present information and create performances based on real or imaginative experiences with support of scaffolding and modelled language. They express, reason or elaborate on opinions using language in complex structures as set phrases. As they build their competence in Korean, learners comprehend and produce short texts such as songs, video clips, role-plays, skits and stories, using simple structures and familiar vocabulary. With increasing literacy in Hangeul, learners make connections between spoken and written forms of Korean and begin to read and write short texts in Hangeul. Students apply spacing and spelling rules to their reading and writing with increasing grammatical and phonological awareness. They develop metalinguistic knowledge of basic forms and structures and of honorification in Korean, and use it with their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to predict meaning of unfamiliar language.

Contexts of interaction

Learners interact in Korean with each other and the teacher, and may communicate with peers in Korea using technology. Tasks at this level are typically collaborative, structured and sometimes competitive, such as games, class displays and performances. Korean traditional games such as yunnori that involve interactive and spontaneous language use, collaborative problem-solving procedures, collective decision-making and physical movements are integrated into tasks. Learners may notice use of Korean in the media and wider community and have access to Korean speakers and cultural resources through the use of ICT.

Texts and resources

Learners engage with a range of published texts in print and digital forms such as readers, stories, songs and computer-based language learning materials, as well as those prepared by the teacher of Korean, including language exercises, games and presentations. Learners may have extra access to Korean language and culture resources through texts created for the Korean community such as websites, television programs and music or video clips.

Features of Korean language use

Learners expand their knowledge of Korean vocabulary, grammar and honorific elements. They are aware of some patterns of sound changes at syllable boundaries such as 연음법칙, 비음화 and 구개음화 in familiar words and expressions. They express past tense and use some verb phrases in complex structures as set phrases. They are increasingly familiar with verb-final sentence structures, and basic case markers and particles, noticing the importance of grammatical elements such as particles or suffixes rather than word order in making sense of Korean sentences. They use a range of vocabulary including basic common descriptive and action verbs, number words with counters, basic adverbs and simple negations. They develop a metalanguage for describing aspects of the Korean language and how it works. Learners are increasingly aware of the relationship between language and culture, and of the dynamic nature of language. They explore the relationship between language and identity and how attitudes are shaped by cultural perspectives and revealed through language, and consider their own cultural and communicative behaviours.

Level of support

While learners are gradually gaining independence in learning, they still need ongoing support, including explicit instruction, structured modelling and scaffolding with stimulus materials. Task activities incorporate implicit form-focused language learning approaches and examples of texts. Learners start using dictionaries with teacher support and have access to word charts, vocabulary lists and electronic and print reference resources.

The role of English

Korean is the primary language for classroom routines and language learning tasks with English in a supporting role. While it is encouraged to use as much Korean for discussion, reflection and explanation and for the content drawn from other learning areas as possible, the use of English for these aspects of learning activities ensures the continued development of learners’ knowledge base and intercultural capability. The language of response varies according to task demands, with Korean used primarily for communicating in structured and supported tasks and for familiar interactions, and English for open-ended, comparative tasks and discussions that develop understanding of language and culture.

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Years 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 6, students engage in classroom interactions to carry out collaborative tasks, to exchange information and to express feelings and ideas related to specific contexts, personal interests and daily routines at home and school. They ask and answer questions with appropriate intonation and gestures, changing sounds on syllable boundaries in a word as appropriate (for example, pronouncing words such as 한국어, 같이 and 감사합니다 as 항구거, 가치 and 감사함니다). They use simple structures for a range of functions, including making simple arrangements and conducting simple transactions (for example, 아이스크림 한 개 주세요. 얼마예요? 오천 원이에요), and some complex structures such as –도 되다 and –(으)ㄴ/는 것 같다 as set phrases to ask for permission (for example, 화장실에 가도 돼요?) and to offer their own opinions (for example, 저는 …이/가 맞는/틀린 것 같아요). They use particles such as –(으)로, –하고 and –에서 as part of a set phrase (a noun/pronoun + particle) to indicate instrument (with/in …, for example, 연필로 쓰세요, 한국어로 뭐예요?), accompaniment (together with …, for example, 친구하고 쇼핑했어요) and location (at/in …, for example, 학교에서 공부해요). They describe two events occurring in sequence, such as daily routines, using two sentences with a 그리고 at the beginning of the second sentence or the –고 coordination (for example, 밥을 먹어요. 그리고 운동해요;밥을 먹고 운동해요 ), and past experiences using a suffix –었/았– (for example, 캔버라에 살았어요 ). They negate statements (for example, 안 가요, 못 먹었어요 ) and construct questions about reasons, prices and opinions/feelings, using set phrases such as 왜요? 얼마예요? and 어때요?/어땠어요? (for example, 영화가 어땠어요? ). They use descriptive language (such as 예뻐요, 멋있어요 ) and manner and time adverbs (such as 빨리, 천천히, 어제, 오늘, 내일 ). Students describe amounts of familiar items, including currency and time, using number words from either the pure Korean or the Sino-Korean number system in their appropriate forms, with a range of counters (such as 장 , 잔 , 권 , 그루 , 송이 , 원 , and 시 ) and in appropriate word order (for example, 책 세 권 ). They pronounce Arabic numerals appropriately according to the accompanying counters (for example, 10살, 6학년 ). Students locate specific information in a range of familiar spoken, written and digital texts, identifying familiar vocabulary and grammatical features to support understanding. They use simple and formulaic language with the support of structured models and scaffolding to create short texts with familiar structures and features, in various modes and formats. Students translate texts between Korean and English in familiar formats, and create their own simple bilingual texts, using known words and expressions. They provide extra information or explanations for words or expressions that have no equivalents in the other language or cannot be readily translated, such as 벼 versus ‘rice as a crop’, 쌀 versus ‘rice as raw grains’ and 밥 versus ‘cooked rice or meals’. They identify aspects of Korean language in which Korean culture is embedded, such as politeness embedded in –(으)세요.

Students differentiate between spoken and written forms of Korean by applying their understanding of rules that govern pronunciation and writing using Hangeul syllable blocks, and by associating spoken forms of known words with their written forms. They change verb forms using suffixes such as –었/았– and –고 by applying their understanding of grammatical elements that affect different grammatical meanings and functions. They identify the topic/subject and the object in simple sentences and explain how word order in Korean is different to English using basic metalinguistic terms such as word order, subject, object and verb. Students identify distinctive features of familiar spoken and written texts in different genres, such as language used at the beginning or closing (for example, …에게/께; …(으)로부터/올림) , and relate them to distinctive purposes, intended audiences and social contexts of texts. Students apply their understanding of the importance of context, age and social relationships in language use during interaction, and identify age as particularly important in determining the level of politeness and formality in using Korean (for example, 미안합니다 versus 미안해요 versus 미안해 ). Students provide examples of how spoken and written forms of language change over time, and explain how Hangeul was initially created and continues to change. They explain how languages borrow words with culture-specific meanings from each other and provide such examples from Korean words borrowed from English and other languages (for example, 피아노, 케밥 ) and Korean words used in Australia (for example, 비빔밥 ( bibimbap ), 아리랑 (arirang)). Students provide relevant comments on how language is used to influence people’s perceptions (such as in advertisements or campaigns), and identify their own ways of thinking about Korean associations such as brand names or names of cultural items. They compare gestures or body languages involved in communication using Korean and other languages and identify similarities and differences across cultures. They provide examples where direct translation is not possible, such as terms or expressions that reflect cultural practices (for example, 잘 먹겠습니다/잘 먹었습니다, 식은 죽 먹기), and determine whether their equivalents exist in their own language/s.

Show sub-strand-specific achievement standard

Years 5 and 6 Content Descriptions


Describe people, places, objects and everyday routines relating to school and home environments; express feelings and share interests and preferences

[Key concepts: routine, interests, leisure; Key processes: describing, corresponding, interacting]

Collaborate in group tasks and shared experiences that involve making collective arrangements, such as making decisions or suggestions in group games, or creating and performing a role-play that involves simple transactional exchanges

[Key concepts: task, organisation; Key processes: planning, organising, decision-making]

Interact in classroom activities such as creating and following shared class rules and procedures, expressing opinions and asking for permission or clarification

[Key concepts: interaction, politeness; Key processes: requesting, clarifying]


Listen to, view andtexts for specific information drawn from a range of sources relating to social and cultural worlds in different times, places and communities, and to different learning areas

[Key concepts: lifestyle, event, environment; Key processes: collating, comparing, tabulating]

Convey ideas and information indifferent modes to suit particular audiences and contexts on subjects of interest to young people

[Key concepts: content, audience, purpose; Key processes: describing, reporting, using digital tools]


Share responses to a range of imaginative texts in different forms includingby expressing opinions and feelings about key ideas,and actions, making connections with own experience or feelings

[Key concepts: fact, fiction; Key process: expressing, describing, explaining]

Compose and perform a variety of creative texts based on a stimulus concept or theme, sharing them face-to-face and online to present to different audiences

[Key concepts: imagination, expression; Key processes: performing, creating]


Translate simple texts identifying words and expressions that may not readily correspond across languages, and expanding descriptions or giving examples where necessary to clarify meaning

[Key concepts: correspondence, interpretation; Key processes: selecting, interpreting, translating]

bilingual texts and resources such as signs, notices, captions, displays, websites or word banks for own learning, and share them in the school community and with learners of Korean in the virtual community

[Key concepts: bilingualism; Key processes: translating, comparing, modifying]


Examine their perceptions of and reactions to Koreanembedded in the language, and reflect on the relationship betweenand culture

[Key concepts: etiquette, reaction, assumption; Key processes: comparing, describing, reflecting]

Explore connections between aspects ofsuch as nationality, ethnicity anduse, considering how these are related toand own identity, and to learning Koreanand culture

[Key concepts: sense of belonging, identity; Key processes: comparing, relating, reflecting]

Systems of language

Understand the relationships between letters and sounds, and betweenand punctuation/printing conventions in Korean, applying this understanding to own speech, reading and writing

[Key concepts: pronunciation, spelling, punctuation, correspondence; Key processes: recognising, analysing, relating, predicting]

Understand and use aspects of the Korean grammatical system such asconjugations, suffixes, some particles, basic conjunctions and thesystem, building atoabout basic grammatical features in Korean

[Key concepts: grammatical rules, grammatical terminology, forms, functions, speech levels; Key processes: classifying, applying, explaining, distinguishing]

Identify and use appropriate terms and expressions, such asand qualifying words and counters for specific purposes and contexts

[Key concepts: honorification, time, descriptive/action verbs, context; Key processes: predicting, applying, relating]

Identify and use distinctive features of different types of spoken and written texts in Korean such as salutations in different contexts

[Key concepts: genre, structure, audience; Key processes: comparing, connecting, applying]

Language variation and change

Recognise that variables such as age and personal and social relationships impact onuse in Korean, considering similar variations inuse in English and other languages represented in the classroom

[Key concepts: social distance/affinity, cross-cultural differences; Key processes: identifying, analysing, reflecting]

Recognise the dynamic nature of languages and cultures, and the changing and influential relationships that exist between languages

[Key concepts:contact, change; Key processes: collecting data, identifying, connecting, reflecting]

Investigate howcan be used to influence people, ideas and the understanding of cultures

[Key concepts: perceptions, influence; Key processes: comparing, explaining, predicting, reflecting]

Role of language and culture

Explore how beliefs and value systems are reflected in everydayuse

[Key concepts: diversity, beliefs, attitudes; Key processes: examining connections, comparing, describing, reflecting]


Years 7 and 8 

Years 7 and 8 Band Description

The nature of the learners These years represent a transition to secondary school and students in this pathway are continuing to study Korean, bringing with them a capability to communicate with some assistance about their immediate world and Korea. They have experience in analysing the major features of the language system and in considering intercult

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The nature of the learners

These years represent a transition to secondary school and students in this pathway are continuing to study Korean, bringing with them a capability to communicate with some assistance about their immediate world and Korea. They have experience in analysing the major features of the language system and in considering intercultural exchanges and their role in these.

Korean language learning and use

Learners use Korean for classroom interactions and transactions in a variety of tasks in different modes that involve spoken and written Korean. They have extra opportunities to use Korean by a purposeful integration of the use of virtual communication. They present, explain, and compare information, opinions or ideas, on their current interests or topics drawn from other learning areas, practising language forms and developing cultural understanding, working both independently and collaboratively. They use primarily modelled and rehearsed language for planning, problem-solving, decision-making and reflecting, with increasing personal and original use of vocabulary, and experiment with known grammatical forms and structures to use them with increasing independence in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. They explore and reflect on their own and others’ intercultural perspectives and practices.

Contexts of interaction

The primary context for interaction remains the Korean language class; however, there may be opportunities for interacting with peers in Korea and with other learners of Korean, for example, through technology or sister-school relationships. Learners may have extra access to Korean speakers through media and community events and resources.

Texts and resources

Learners work with a broad range of texts and resources specifically designed for learning Korean in school contexts, such as textbooks, readers, videos and online materials including those developed for computer-supported collaborative learning. They may also access authentic materials created in Korean for general audience within Korea as well as in international contexts, with subtitles as necessary, such as songs, stories, films, websites, advertisements and magazines.

Features of Korean language use

Learners expand their range of vocabulary to domains beyond their personal interests. They use a range of grammatical forms and structures to convey more complex relationships between ideas and events, developing awareness of how language structures and features build up textural features. They use descriptive and expressive language including onomatopoeic and mimetic words to create expressive effects and interests. They pronounce sounds at syllable boundaries with increasing accuracy, applying relevant Korean pronunciation rules. They are increasingly aware of connections between language and culture, noticing, for example, politeness expressed in cultural practices as well as embedded in Korean grammar and vocabulary systems, and the choices of polite language determined by age and social relationships. They reflect on how language changes with social cultural changes and on their own language and culture. They have increasing awareness of their identity as users of two or more languages and reflect on the impact of intercultural experiences on identity-shaping.

Level of support

Learners need continued scaffolding, modelling and material support particularly at the paragraph and entire text level for written language and for developing fluency and accuracy in spoken language. Explicit instruction of grammatical features and modelling will be effective for their development of metalanguage use and expansion of metalinguistic knowledge of Korean. Learners are encouraged to be autonomous and to self-monitor in task-based activities integrated with implicit form-focused learning approach. Learners continue to use dictionaries with teacher support with increasing independence and to access word lists, charts and examples to enrich their receptive and productive language use.

The role of English

Korean is increasingly used at this level for classroom interactions and routines, for task participation and structured discussions, and encouraged to be used for learning new content drawn from other learning areas as long as its conceptual demand and complexity is within students’ linguistic scope in Korean. English continues to be used for more complex elements of instruction and explanations, and for more substantive discussion, analysis and reflection in relation to abstract concepts. Learners continue to develop a metalanguage for thinking and talking about language, culture and identity and the experience of learning Korean.

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Years 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 8, students use written and spoken Korean to interact with teachers, peers and others, and to exchange ideas, experiences and interests. They pronounce polysyllabic words that involve syllable-final consonants (받침) such as 먹고, 어떻게 and 축하합니다 as 먹꼬, 어떠케 and 추카함니다, applying relevant pronunciation rules with some accuracy. When interacting, they initiate conversations (for example, 지금 뭐 해요? 어디 가요?), and ask and respond to questions (for example, 왜 한국어를 배워요? 방학 때 뭐 할 거예요? ). Students clarify answers or instructions (for example, 무슨 뜻이에요? 다시 말해 주세요 ) and ask for and give opinions (for example, 어떻게 생각해요?; 제 생각에는…; …인 것 같아요 ). They describe plans (for example, 한국에 갈 거예요 ) and ask for suggestions (for example, 무엇을 할까요? ). They locate and evaluate factual information in texts and create informative and imaginative texts in a range of modes using multimodal or conventional formats. Students explain reasons for actions and show contrasts between feelings or facts, using conjunctive suffixes (clausal connectives) such as –어/아서 and –지만 (for example, 소라가 좋아서 한국어를 배웠어요; 모자가 예쁘지만 너무 작아요 ). They use humble/honorific words or honorific particles such as 진지 , 드리다 and –께 appropriately, and use some basic onomatopoeic and mimetic words such as 똑똑 and 콜콜 to create expressive effects and engage the interest of the audience. Students use cohesive devices, for example, conjunctions (such as 그리고, 그래서, 그러나, 그런데, –고, –어/아서, –지만 ), adverbs of frequency (such as 가끔, 보통, 자주, 언제나 ), time (such as 벌써, 아직 ) and direction (such as 쭉, 곧장 ) and the agreement among honorific elements, at sentence level (for example, 할머니께 꽃을 드려요 ) and throughout the text by using the informal polite style ending –어/아요 . They use a range of case markers and particles such as –의 , – (으)로 , 와/과 , –부터 and –까지 (for example, 소라의 생일, 색연필로, 왼쪽으로, 불고기와 김치, 아침부터 저녁까지 ) and location nouns attached by –에 to indicate relative locations (for example, 책상 위에 …, 상자 안에 … ). Students use some complex structures in verb phrases such as –어/아 주다 , –고 있다 , –(으)ㄹ 줄 알다 , –(으)ㄹ 수 있다 and –어/아 보다 as set phrases. They form questions using a range of question words such as 언제 , 어디 , 어떻게 , 어느 and 무슨 , and modify nouns using an adjectival form of a descriptive verb suffixed by –(으)ㄴ (for example, 착한 사람 ). Students write loan words from English in Hangeul and compare their original pronunciation and how they are pronounced as loan words in Korean (for example, 테니스, 포크). They translate across languages, paraphrasing or annotating words or expressions where equivalence is not possible, such as 정들었어요, 세배 or ‘mufti day’. They recount their reactions to intercultural experiences, describing and reflecting on aspects that do or do not fit with their own sense of identity.

Students identify grammatical elements such as case markers, particles, suffixes and verb endings from simple Korean sentences, and compare how grammatical functions of nouns and verbs are determined in Korean and English sentences. They provide examples of the Korean honorific system that works at grammar and word levels (for example, 진지 드세요 ) and illustrate how politeness and respect are important aspects of Korean language and culture. Students differentiate between oral and written forms of words, and apply spelling conventions and spacing rules in their writing. Students explain how word order in Korean differs from English and use a metalanguage to identify common features such as nouns, verbs, cases and subject–object–verb/subject–verb–object constructions. Students identify and reproduce characteristic grammatical features in familiar texts. They vary their language use and make choices of linguistic features, such as the use of polite forms, according to the context. They provide examples showing that Korean is a language for local, international and virtual communication and that it continuously changes as society and culture change, impacted by globalisation and new technologies. Students explain how cultural values and ideas are embedded in language and communicative behaviours. They give examples from their own language/s and cultural behaviour/s which may be interpreted differently from other cultural perspectives and give such possible interpretations.

Show sub-strand-specific achievement standard

Years 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


Initiate and sustain interactions with peers and adults by seeking and offering ideas, expressing thoughts and feelings and making connections across different areas of interest

[Key concepts: respect, significance, experience; Key processes: exchanging, connecting, explaining, usingstrategies]

Taking action in collaborative tasks, activities and experiences which involve negotiation, making arrangements, problem-solving and shared transactions

[Key concepts: collaboration, priority, alternatives; Key processes: planning, discussing, negotiating]

Participate in classroom interactions and exchanges such as giving and following instructions, clarifying meanings, explaining and describing actions and reflecting on responses

[Key concepts: responsibility, mindful learning, exchange; Key processes: eliciting, monitoring, reflecting]


Identify, classify and compare information and ideas obtained from spoken, written, print or digital texts

[Key concepts: information, data; Key processes: classifying, summarising, evaluating]

Present oral and written reports, summaries and comparisons of information obtained from a range of Korean texts in different modes

[Key concepts: leisure, travel; Key processes: summarising, reporting, using multimedia presentation technology]


Compare ways in which people, places and experiences are represented in different imaginative and expressive texts, drawing on own interpretations, those of peers and personal experiences

[Key concepts: expression, imagination, humour; Key processes: expressing, comparing, analysing, reflecting]

and present imaginative texts including digital and interactive texts to entertain others, involving imaginedand contexts

[Key concepts: imagination, amusement, expressive language; Key processes: character andbuilding, creating]


Compare ownof texts with others, discussing differences and possible reasons and alternatives, and reflecting on how to make connections between meanings in different languages

[Key concepts: culture, equivalence; Key processes: mediating, interpreting, translating]

texts in Korean and English on same themes or events in different modes such as digital photo stories, short video clips or cartoons, and provide subtitles, captions or commentaries in eitherto help meaning

[Key concepts: equivalence, culture; Key processes: identifying, explaining, designing]


Reflect on the experience of using Korean to communicate in different social situations and on their individual responses to differences inuse

[Key concepts: social context, comfort/discomfort, intercultural communication; Key processes: monitoring, analysing, adjusting]

spoken, written or multimodal texts that reflect significant experiences related to the experience of learning Koreanand culture

[Key concepts: identity, significance, perspective; Key processes: explaining, discussing, reflecting]

Systems of language

Use appropriaterules and writing conventions to produce andshort texts in Korean that include some less familiar language

[Key concepts: system, rules, patterns; Key processes: inferring, analysing, applying rules]

Understand and use grammatical forms and structures such as suffixes for tense, honorifics and polite style marking, and auxiliary verbs and particles, using appropriateto identify or explain forms, structures and parts of speech

[Key concepts: parts of speech, grammatical structures, syntactic relationship, honorifics; Key processes: applying rules, categorising, explaining]

Understand and use some words and expressions that reflect Korean culture, noticing those that need additional explanation to convey their original meaning in translation

[Key concepts: culture-specific words, idioms, expressiveness; Key processes: predicting, applying, selecting]

Examine grammatical structures and features and vocabulary in a range of personal, informative and imaginative texts in spoken and written modes, noticing how these contribute to textual cohesion, and compose short texts for different purposes considering cultural aspects involved

[Key concepts: coherence, cohesion,conventions; Key processes: describing, analysing, experimenting]

Language variation and change

Explore howuse varies according to context, purpose andand to theof delivery and the relationship between participants

[Key concepts: context, negotiation, interrelationship; Key processes: comparing, connecting, reflecting]

Explore and reflect on the impact of social, cultural and intercultural changes such as globalisation and new technologies on Korean as aof local, international and virtualand on their own individual use of language

[Key concepts: globalisation, influence, digital media; Key processes: researching, explaining, reflecting]

Explore the power and influence ofin local and global contexts

[Key concepts: social power, context; Key processes: analysing, explaining, recounting, reflecting]

Role of language and culture

Analyse how beliefs and value systems are reflected inuse and communicative behaviours, and reflect on how what is considered normal invaries across cultures

[Key concepts: norms, beliefs, value system; Key processes: analysing, interpreting, reflecting]


Years 9 and 10 

Years 9 and 10 Band Description

The nature of the learners At this level, students bring existing knowledge of Korean language and culture and a range of learning strategies to their learning. They are increasingly aware of the world beyond their own and are engaging with youth-related and social and environmental issues. They need continued guidance and mentoring, but are increasing

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The nature of the learners

At this level, students bring existing knowledge of Korean language and culture and a range of learning strategies to their learning. They are increasingly aware of the world beyond their own and are engaging with youth-related and social and environmental issues. They need continued guidance and mentoring, but are increasingly independent in terms of analysis, reflection and monitoring of their language learning and intercultural experiences. They are considering future pathways and options, including how Korean could be part of these.

Korean language learning and use

Learners engage with more complex language with greater control of language. They use a range of forms and structures, and richer and more sophisticated vocabulary to perform tasks individually and collaboratively, to access and exchange information on broader topics and abstract concepts, and to create, interpret and analyse a wider range of texts. They express feelings, emotions and opinions more precisely using a variety of expressive and descriptive language in imaginative and creative experiences. They are more confident in communicating in Korean in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts with a greater understanding of the variability of language use, making appropriate language choices and adjustments. With an increasing command of Hangeul, learners interact with members of the virtual community of Korean speakers and learners worldwide, sharing their understanding of Korean culture and language as well as of their own. They understand that language varies and changes, and engage in and reflect on intercultural experiences.

Contexts of interaction

Learners interact with the teacher and peers, and may have access to members of Korean-speaking communities via online technologies including some computer-mediated communication tools. They may also encounter Korean in the wider community, such as in the media, film or cultural festivals, community events, guest speakers, exchange teachers/assistants or in-country travel.

Texts and resources

Learners use an extensive range of texts designed for Korean language learning such as textbooks, teacher-generated materials and online resources. Learning is enriched by exposure to authentic materials designed for or generated by young Korean speakers, such as video clips, songs, stories, articles, magazine features, television programs or advertisements. Authentic Korean community resources provide opportunities to extend learners’ experience of learning the language and culture. Texts may include additional materials that students have sourced on their own to support their learning or to pursue personal interests in Korean language and culture.

Features of Korean language use

Learners extend their grammatical knowledge to a range of particles, conjunctive suffixes (clausal connectives) and complex phrasal and sentential structures. Their vocabulary range expands to abstract words and some specialised vocabulary drawn from other learning areas or areas of interest in the wider context. With an increasing knowledge and control of language structures and features and vocabulary, including those with honorific elements, students recognise, analyse and construct different types of texts for different audiences and purposes. They interpret, create, evaluate and perform in individual and collaborative tasks that involve planning, problem-solving, decision-making, or informing or entertaining others. They make inferences from their knowledge of the Korean language and culture to understand unfamiliar content and consolidate their awareness of language variation and its connection with identity. They move between Korean and English, translating, discussing, analysing and comparing the languages using a metalanguage, applying metalinguistic knowledge and taking intercultural perspectives as a user of two (or more) languages. Learners have an increasing understanding of language learning as a cultural, social and linguistic process. They examine their own and others’ communicative practices and understand the concept of mutual responsibility for intercultural exchanges.

Level of support

While learners are increasingly less reliant on the teacher for support during communicative interactions, continued support and provision of rich language input from the teacher is needed for their sustained learning of Korean. The teacher provides implicit and sometimes explicit modelling and scaffolding in meaningful contexts. Learners need explicit instruction and explanation to understand highly complex structures and functions of grammatical items and meanings of highly abstract and/or culture-specific vocabulary. Provision of opportunities to discuss, clarify, practise and apply their knowledge is critical in consolidating their acquired knowledge and skills and in enhancing learner autonomy. Students may self-monitor their learning by keeping record of critical and constructive teacher feedback, peer support and self-review (for example, through portfolios, peer reviews, e–journaling, online discussion forums). They continue to access word lists, graphic organisers and modelled texts, and the teacher gives precise guidance for using dictionaries, particularly with dictionary forms of verbs.

The role of English

Learners and teachers use Korean as the primary medium of interaction in language-oriented and most content-oriented tasks. English is used for substantive discussion, explanation and analysis requiring students to deal with a conceptual demand which is too far beyond their level of competence in Korean, for example, analysing highly abstract and complex concepts embedded in linguistic structures/cultural practices.

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Years 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 10, students use written and spoken Korean to communicate with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings and for a range of purposes. They use Korean to access and exchange information on a broad range of social, cultural and environmental issues of interest to young people. They initiate, sustain and extend spoken and written exchanges in interactions and transactions by asking and responding to open-ended questions, eliciting opinions (for example, 어떻게 생각해요?; 어디에서 …–(으)면 좋을까요?), requesting elaboration (for example, 왜 …을/를 좋아해요?; 어떻게 그렇게 되었어요?) and providing their own opinions (for example, 저는 민수가 맞다고 생각해요; 저는 4번이라고 생각했어요) and information when requested. They use non-verbal communication strategies such as facial expressions, gestures, pausing or pitching, and give verbal feedback expressing empathy, down-toning, acknowledging or expressing indirect disagreement using reflective language (such as 그렇지요?; 좋았겠어요; 아마; 글쎄요; 아, 그렇군요; 아닌 것 같은데요; 정말 그럴까요?). They make suggestions in relation to topics of conversation (for example, 여러분도 한번 한국에 가 보세요) and consider options, using a range of suffixes and complex/idiomatic structures indicating the future in verb phrases (such as –겠–, –(으)ㄹ래요, –(으)ㄹ 계획이에요, –(으)ㄹ 거예요, –(으)면 좋을까요?). They make decisions comparing options using ...보다 더 ... and providing reasons for decisions (for example, 기차가 버스보다 더 편리하니까 기차로 가요). Students locate and evaluate information from a range of sources, and analyse, interpret and integrate information from diverse perspectives. They create informative and imaginative texts, using a range of case markers, including honorific forms, particles and verb phrases in complex structures (such as –지 않다/못하다, –(으)ㄹ 뻔하다, –(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ것 같다, –러 가다 ), and describing two related ideas or events in different relationships by connecting two clauses in a sentence (for example, 비가 올 것 같으니까 우산을 가져 가세요; 저기에서 노래하는 사람이 누구예요? ). They use a range of abstract words, selecting vocabulary suitable for the target audience, purpose and context. They maintain the cohesiveness of the text by keeping consistency in terms of speech level and style and honorific elements, and by using cohesive devices such as conjunctors (such as –(으)니까, –다가, –(으)ㄴ/는데, –(으)면서) , conjunctive adverbs (such as 하지만, 그러므로, 그러니까 ) and ellipsis. Students translate and create bilingual texts across Korean and English, providing and comparing alternative versions, identifying ways to interpret and convey embedded meanings in culture-specific terms or expressions that are language-specific. They compare their intercultural experiences, referencing their current and past senses of identity, views and attitudes in relation to their ways of using language.

Students describe how spoken and written Korean vary and are modified according to contexts, audiences and purposes. They exemplify such adjustments (for example, changes to pitch or speed of speech, use of contractions or 반말 , choice of vocabulary, and level of politeness and formality), explaining possible reasons for particular adjustments. They describe how languages change and borrow from, build on and blend with each other, giving examples in relation to Korean and languages such as English, Chinese and Japanese that share social, cultural and historical relationships. They explain how language influences ways of thinking, views of the world and human relationships. Students use metalanguage to explain aspects of the Korean language such as tense, suffix, honorification, adverb, modification, speech level (for example, 반말, 높임말), and politeness. They assess their own language use and cultural practices from multicultural perspectives and the meaning and impact of multiculturalism from various perspectives.

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Years 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


Initiate, sustain and extend interactions with each other and with other familiar and less familiar people, for example, by seeking and giving advice, discussing aspirations, relationships and social and cultural issues, exchanging and reflecting on different ideas

[Key concepts: youth, diversity, perspectives; Key processes: developing relationships, proposing, discussing]

Arrange and manage shared activities such as problem-solving and different types of transactions, adopting different roles to present diverse views and perspectives

[Key concepts: roles, perspectives, shared responsibility; Key processes: persuading, commenting, evaluating]

Use interactionalto elicit, offer, negotiate, report, and reflect and elaborate on opinions and ideas

[Key concepts: opinions, reflection, metalanguage; Key processes: justifying, elaborating, reflecting]


Analyse,and integrate information gathered from diverse sources relating to areas of interest to adolescents or young adults, making connections with own and each other's experience and with other learning areas

[Key concepts: representation, cultural literacy; Key processes: analysing, synthesising, evaluating]

Construct and present texts in different formats for different audiences, taking into account own perspectives and intended purpose

[Key concepts: society, environment, media; Key processes: constructing, persuading, interconnecting, using computer-mediatedtools]


Review and respond to different types of creative texts in different modes, identifying aspects of theandthat help toeffects such as emotion

[Key concepts: emotions, moral, values; Key processes: interpreting, reflecting, discussing]

and present imaginative texts that express ideas through characters, events or settings, making connections between past, present and future, and between reality and imagination

[Key concepts: creativity, entertainment; Key processes: expressing, projecting, entertaining]


Translate texts for different audiences and contexts, and reflect on how cultural values, attitudes, assumptions and world views are differently encoded in languages

[Key concepts: equivalence, values, representation; Key processes: reflecting, interpreting, comparing]

bilingual texts that reflect aspects of Australian(for example, Christmas celebrations) for Korean-speaking audiences in the school and wider community including virtual communities, reflecting on how meaning can be conveyed effectively

[Key concepts: representation, critical and cultural literacy; Key processes: adjusting, referencing, reflecting]


Examine and modify own cultural assumptions and practices, taking responsibility foruse and choices, and recognising the significance of shared responsibility and mutual effort in intercultural communication

[Key concepts: reciprocity, reflective literacy; Key processes: reflecting, adapting, taking responsibility]

Investigate different aspects of their personal sense of identity, considering how learning and experiencing Koreanandhave(or have not) changed own sense of identity, views or attitudes

[Key concepts: identity, values, attitudes; Key processes: analysing, evaluating, reflecting]

Systems of language

Apply features and rules of Koreanand Hangeul to understanding and producing a range of texts for different audiences and purposes

[Key concepts: phonological rules, fluency, accuracy; Key processes: applying, analysing, synthesising]

Understand how grammatical elements, such as particles and suffixes, impact on higher levels of grammar, such as tense, mood, honorification, speech level and formality, and on meaning-making from the phrasal level to that of the entire text

[Key concepts: complex structures, modality, irregularity, topicality; Key processes: applying rules, analysing, manipulating]

Understand and use vocabulary that conveys abstract ideas and establishesand style for specific audiences

[Key concepts: vocabulary choice, register, style; Key processes: predicting, applying, inferring]

Analyse and compose different types of texts in spoken and written modes for different purposes such as information exchange, social and cultural interaction or sharing imaginative experiences, using appropriate linguistic, textual and cultural elements

[Key concepts: style, register, perspectives; Key processes: analysing, correlating, composing]

Language variation and change

Examine variations and expectations reflected in Koreanthat relate to roles, relationships and contexts of interactions, considering how and why these differ from interactions in English or in other languages represented in the classroom

[Key concepts: cultural expectations, intercultural literacy; Key processes: examining, reflecting, explaining]

Reflect on the dynamic and ecological nature ofthat interacts with constantly changing environments such as contact with different languages and cultures and changing sociocultural circumstances in local and global contexts, identifying and illustrating examples from Koreanforms and uses

[Key concepts: exchange, change, variation, integration; Key processes: comparing, analysing, reflecting]

Explore howshapes thoughts and world views and mobilises action

[Key concepts: world views, thoughts, conceptualisation, perspectives; Key processes: analysing, reflecting, explaining]

Role of language and culture

Understand thatandare interrelated and reflect on how they shape and are shaped by each other

[Key concepts: intercultural understanding, reciprocity, intercultural literacy; Key processes: critiquing, evaluating, reflecting]